Bolestan piton


imam terarijum u kome je manji akwarijum i piton je tu prove 2,3 dana a voda je bila hladna pa se sad prehladio verovatno,cure mu sline ili bale iz nozdrwa pa dali neko zna kako da mu pomognem?
Odmah povecaj temperaturu u terarijumu,mislim da je to prvo i jabitnije sto moras uciniti,ako imas srece to mozda bude i dovoljno da se oporavi.Makar sam tako citao po netu,ali reci ce ti iskusniji sta jos da cinis,...Ovo ti je prvo i ne moze nikako da skodi!
Respiratorna infekcija!

Respiratory Infection (RI)

Respiratory Infections (RI) are caused by a bacterial infection in the lungs. The general causes of RI are
due to inadequate and improper environmental conditions. Stress, low temperatures, dirty enclosures, mistreatment, lack of food and water can all cause RI. These conditions will surely prolong any RI condition.

Symptoms include breathing problems including wheezing, whistling, clicking sounds, gaping open mouth,
even an audible noise during exhalations. You will notice bubbles and mucous around the mouth and nostrils. The position of the head may be held in a raised position to make breathing easier. Overall lethargy, possible weight loss, and even a swollen or bloated body can be noticed.

Immediately raise the ambient temperature of the enclosure to 88 to 90 degrees. Lowering the humidity will also aid in RI recovery. Consult your veterinarian as soon as possible. Antibiotic medication may be needed to combat bad cases.

Vidi s ostalim odgajivacima kod kog veterinara da ga nosis.
Ili kontaktiraj Anu Sek (Shek) za savet: [email protected]
Povecaj mu temperaturu terarijuma (ne toplu tacku) na 31-32 stepeni i sacekaj nekoliko dana da vidis reakciju, jer mozda i nece trebati antibiotici. Ako se stanje pogorsava ili ostaje isto onda odma kod veterinara!
I naravno izbaci sve sto imas u terarijumu, dobro dezinfikuj posudicu za vodu i zidove terarijuma, drugo ti nista ne treba za sada!